The Uncanny “Guardian Angel” Principle That Can Make Your Customers Totally Dependent on You to Guide Their Buying Decisions and Make You INDISPENSABLE and IRREPLACEABLE to Them

David Lowenthal
3 min readApr 29, 2021

If you’re a wine nerd like me, you’ve probably heard the name “Robert Parker” more than once.

Parker is the founder of The Wine Advocate newsletter (which I happily subscribe to) and the world’s most reputed wine critic.

But not just that.

His biographer once wrote that he is the most important critic in the world — PERIOD.


Because no other critic has personally affected and changed their industry more than Robert Parker has affected and changed winemaking (a glowing review from him or his publication for your wine is worth its weight in gold to any winemaker).

Indeed, thousands of winemakers all around the world have re-engineered their crop growing and cultivation process to the tastes that Parker himself prefers to get higher scores from his wine reviews — reviews which probably millions of people around the world look for to determine their wine purchasing decisions.

But, obviously, the “personal power of personality” affecting an industry isn’t merely limited to the world of wine.

Lesson: I don’t believe you need to be a global or national household name to harness the power of influence for your own benefit.

Buyers are always looking for third parties that they know and trust when buying products and services. If you have the emails or direct mail lists of customers, then congratulations! You already serve as a kind of “guardian angel” for your market because, whether you know it or not, your customers want to know about what you think about all kinds of things in your industry and even beyond your industry.

For instance, when I was first learning copywriting and marketing, I “deputized” about a half dozen of the world’s top direct response marketers and filtered everything and everyone I heard about through them to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Whether it was list building, branding, copywriting principles and techniques, dealing with clients, joint venture partnerships, or whatever, I would look to these individuals when I wanted to learn something.

Thus, as a business and a brand, one important goal you should have is to be able to serve as your market’s “North Star” when it comes to who and what products/services they can trust in your industry. That means they will always be coming back to you repeatedly, consuming your direct marketing messages because they trust and believe in you.

David Lowenthal is an independent direct response fundraising serving libertarian and other freedom-loving nonprofits.

This chapter is part of his book 32 Jackpot Marketing Secrets from History’s Greatest and Craziest Persuaders! If you would like to discover more marketing secrets from some of history’s most successful entrepreneurs, copywriters, politicians, negotiators, lawyers, talk show hosts, actor/directors, political activists, and much more, you can download a copy of his FREE ebook, 32 Jackpot Marketing Secrets from History’s Greatest and Craziest Persuaders!, by signing up here.

After you sign up, you will also receive access to his free email newsletter, the David Lowenthal Report, giving you daily marketing secrets for copywriters who want to write breakthrough sales & fundraising copy for fun, profit & principle!



David Lowenthal

Direct response fundraising copywriter for libertarian and pro-freedom nonprofit organizations